about me

Josh Bradshaw

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Josh Bradshaw
Josh Bradshaw
Josh Bradshaw

Education & Certifications

Master of Science(c)

Exercize and nutrition

University of Tampa (2020)

Bachelor of Science

Allied Health

University of Tampa (2019)

Josh Bradshaw

My Background

Josh Bradshaw is a graduate student in the Exercise and Nutritional Sciences program at the University of Tampa. He is involved in several research projects in the Human Performance Lab studying the effects of advanced training techniques on muscle and strength under Dr. De Souza and Chris Barakat.

Josh is dedicated to an ongoing journey of learning. He is a former student of Chris Barakat at UT and through their passion for Bodybuilding and life optimization, Josh and Chris developed a quality friendship that would eventually transition into collaboration in the research world and coaching together. Josh has had success in and out of the classroom. During his time as an undergraduate student, he was a Teacher Assistant for his Anatomy and Physiology Professor and grew a passion for educating.


Having a Sports and Strength & Conditioning background, Josh has been an athlete for several years. After playing Baseball for 15 years, he transitioned to Natural Bodybuilding and took 1st place in the Junior Class at his first competition: the INBF Supernatural in Orlando Florida.

Josh has very big aspirations for the coming years and his next competition season. Through this process, he desires to improve as an athlete and as a person year after year to reach his potential and bring his best to the stage and to his clients.

Josh Bradshaw